영국에 거주 중인 그리스 태생의 아티스트. 반복, 소음, 몰입 환경, 피드백 시스템 및 표현의 개념에 대해 다루고 있다. 그의 음악은 리듬, 현지 녹음과 합성음, 그리고 현장에서 재처리된 라이브 음향을 결합한 것이다. 즉흥 연주자이자 합작자로서 활동해 왔으며 Lucio Capece, Nikes Veliotis, Greg Pope, Leif Elggren, Sarah Hughes, Stephen Cornford, Phil Julian 등과 협업하였다. Cafe Oto(런던), Q-02(브루쉘), SGT(아테네), Audiograft(옥스포드), Tectonics, Immute(아테네) 외 유럽의 공연과 페스티벌에 참여하였고 옥스포드, 런던, 몽펠리에, 아테네의 갤러리에서 전시하였다. 레이블 Organized Music from Thessaloniki와 Rekem Records를 공동으로 큐레이트하고 있다. 그의 신보는 최근 Coherent States, Strange Rules, Rekem Records, I Dischi Del Barone, Hideous Replica, Mazurka Editions and Entr’acte를 통해서 발매된 바 있다.
Kostis Kilymis is a Greek-born artist based in the UK. His work focuses on repetition, noise, immersive environments, feedback systems and the notion of representation. His music combines rhythm, field recordings and synthesised sound, reprocessed live and on location. He has been an improviser, performer and collaborator – his encounters including Lucio Capece, Nikos Veliotis, Greg Pope, Leif Elggren, Sarah Hughes, Stephen Cornford and Phil Julian amongst others. He has performed across Europe in venues such as Café OTO (London), Q-O2 (Brussels), SGT (Athens) and in festivals such as Audiograft (Oxford), Tectonics and Inmute (Athens). Work of his has been exhibited in gallery spaces in Oxford, London, Montpellier and Athens. He curates the Organized Music from Thessaloniki label and co-curates Rekem Records. Recent music of his has been released on Coherent States, Strange Rules, Rekem Records, I Dischi Del Barone, Hideous Replica, Mazurka Editions and Entr’acte.