알렉산더 시그먼 Alexander Sigman


알렉산더 시그먼의 연주, 필름, 설치작품, 멀티미디어 작업들은 유럽, 아시아, 미국의 여러 주요 국제 페스티벌과 전시회, 기관 등에서 선보여지며 수상을 하였다. 2008년부터 Search Journal for New Music and Culture의 공동 편집자로 일하고 있고, 네덜란드의 현대 음악 앙상블인 Ensemble Modelo62의 감독을 맡고 있다. 2010년에 스탠포드 대학에서 작곡에 대한 박사학위를 취득했으며 그전에는 Rice University에서 음악과 인지과학에 대한 학위를 받았다. 그 후 비엔나의 University for Music and the Performing Arts와 네덜란드 헤이그의 The Institute for Sonology of the Royal Conservatory에서 학업을 계속하였다. 현재 그는 대구의 계명대학교에서 교수로 재직 중이다. http://www.lxsigman.com

Alexander Sigman’s award-winning instrumental, electroacoustic, film, multimedia, and installation works have been featured on major international festivals, exhibitions, institutions, and venues across Europe, Asia, and the US. Since 2008, Sigman has been Co-Editor of the Search Journal for New Music and Culture and Managing Director of Ensemble Modelo62, an 11-member Dutch contemporary music ensemble. Sigman completed his doctorate in Music Composition at Stanford University in 2010. Prior to Stanford, he obtained a BM in Music and a BA in Cognitive Sciences from Rice University. Further postgraduate studies were undertaken at the University for Music and the Performing Arts Vienna, as well as The Institute for Sonology of the Royal Conservatory in The Hague (Netherlands). He is currently Assistant Professor of Composition at Keimyung University in Daegu, South Korea. More information may be found here: http://www.lxsigman.com

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